Murrah is a milk type buffalo and is known
as pride of Haryana. The home tract of Murrah buffalo is Rohtak, Jind and Hisar
districts of Haryana in India. It is also found in Nabha and Patiala districts
of Punjab and around Delhi .
The physical characters of Murrah
1. Body: Sound built, heavy and wedge shaped.
2. White markings on face and leg extremities may be there
but are not generally preferred.
3. Eyes: Should not be walled i.e. the cornea should not
have whiteness.
4. Tail: Long reaching up to fetlock joint with black or
white switch up to 8.0 inches.
5. Horns: Different from other breeds of buffaloes; short,
tight, turning backward and upward and finally spirally curving inward. The
horns should be somewhat flattened. As the age advances the horns get loosened
slightly but spiral curves increases.

This breed is found in Sutlej valley in Ferozepur district of Punjab state
and in the Sahiwal district of Pakistan.
The head is elongate, bulging at top and depressed between eyes. The muzzle is fine. The frame is medium sized. The peculiarity of other breed is the wall
eyes. The horns are small and coiled
tightly. The neck is long, thin and fine. The naval is very small. Usually the color is
black with white markings on forehead, face, muzzle and legs and their average
weight at maturity is 800 kg for the male and 525 kg for the female.
Nili-Ravi buffalo is also a milk type of buffalo breed. The milk yield is
1,500 to 1,850 kg per lactation and the heritability for this trait is 0.2 to
0.3. They have a large, strong udder and
are generally docile. Average age at maturity is 30 months in males and 36
months in females. Longevity of production is good.
The inter-calving period is 500 to 550 days. The age at first calving is 45 to 50
months. The bullocks are good for heavy
trotting work.
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