
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Strategies to Control of Salmonellosis in Poultry Breeder Farms in Sri Lanka

 Grandparent farms, commercial layer and broiler operations, poultry meat processing factories and animal feed production establishments are the key of components of the poultry production chain in Sri Lanka.

Salmonella infection has been one of the major economically important disease issue in poultry production in the country for a significant period. It has been contributory to high cost of production as well as hampering the productivity. Salmonellosis is also a critical public health issue.

In addition to the current National control program in breeder farms, as a temporary measure, the Department of Animal Production and Health has decided to allow live attenuated vaccine against salmonellosis in poultry breeder farms in the country, only for a period of two years. Poultry breeder farms which do not intend vaccination should follow the self–testing, verification and bio-security measures recommended by the Department of Animal Production and Health. Grandparent farms should strictly adhere to the current National Control program for salmonellosis.

 Vaccine will be issued under the user permits based on the verification and sampling for identification of salmonella organism by relevant Veterinary Investigation Officers (VIOO). The usage of vaccine and follow up activities will be monitored strictly by the monitoring team of the Department of Animal Production and Health.

The farms which use the vaccine should be completely free of salmonellosis by improving bio-security at the end of two years and user permits would not be granted afterwards. In order to follow up the efficacy of the salmonella control program in vaccinated and Non- vaccinated flocks, following steps to be adopted.


I. Monitoring of Non-vaccinated poultry breeder farms

A. Screening of breeder flocks

v  All the Breeder flocks will be screened at the age of 16 weeks by whole blood agglutination test   by the farm authority.
v All the positive reactors to be removed and disposed immediately by the owner.
v Test results will be notified to the relevant VIO.
v If the flock having < 1% reactors,  screening should  be repeated at 6-8 week interval until  the positive reactor rate is reduced < 1%
v Verification of salmonella status.
 If the flock is having < 1% positive reactors, verification of the status has to be done by the relevant VIO.

    B. Bi-annual testing

v Verification will be done by the VIO at six months interval for the same batch.

    C.  Procedure for monitoring of hatcheries

v Hatchery will be tested once a month by obtaining appropriate samples by the owner under the supervision of VIO.
v Verification of hatchery will be done by VIOO once in three months.
v If any hatchery sample is positive for salmonella organism, hatchery operation to be suspended immediately and control measures to be taken.

II. Monitoring of vaccinated poultry breeder farms

A. Monitoring of flocks for recommendation of vaccination.

 o   Assessment of the salmonella status of the farm to be done by the relevant VIO for all batches aged 6 weeks & over in the farm.
o   All the positive reactors must be removed and disposed immediately by the owner.
o   Screening should be repeated until the positive reactor rate is reduced to < 1% and this level must be achieved before recommending vaccination.o   Only healthy flocks are permitted vaccination.

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