
Monday, March 11, 2013

Causes of Infertility in Cows & Buffaloes

Infertility in cattle accounts for major economic losses in dairy farming and dairy industry. It becomes an economical burden to the farmers, since an unproductive animal has to be maintained, and in most countries such animals are driven to slaughterhouses.
Infertility describes as a temporary disturbance of reproductive function in which cows or buffaloes fail to conceive and give birth to young ones.  A healthy cow can normally produce a calf for every 12-14 months interval.
Also a cow should come to estrus within 90 days after calving otherwise the calving interval is prolonged. Infertility can be due to malnutrition, infections, congenital defects, and ovulatory or hormonal imbalances. Infertility is also due to poor management of calves resulting in delayed puberty and first calving. Therefore good management practices should be adopted right from the calf hood.
Sterility is a total loss of fertility and maintaining such animals is a waste and should be culled. Whereas infertility is a temporary loss of fertility can be corrected if diagnosed in the right time.  
The incidence of infertility is more in buffaloes due to their seasonal way of breeding and poor regulatory system of body temperature. Buffaloes require special management skills to prevent infertility.
The causes of infertility are many and can be complex.

Diseases of the genital organs
  • Salpingitis
  • Hydrosalpinx
  • Pyosalpinx
  • Endometritis
  • Pyometra
  • Retained placenta

Infectious causes of infertility
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Brucellosis
  • Vibriosis
  • Leptospirosis

Physiological causes of infertility
  • Anoestrus
  • Repeat breeding
  • Cystic ovaries
  • Silent heat

Anatomical causes of infertility
  • Fremartinism
  • Hypoplasia of the ovaries and uterus or infantile genitalia
  • Diseases of the genital organs

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