
Friday, January 4, 2013

Regular Grooming of your Dog

Check the ears and ear flaps to see if they are clean and for any sign of wax or an unpleasant smell, which could be signs of canker. Ear swabs are available, or use absorbent cotton moistened with olive oil. Take immense care never to probe the ear too deeply.

Check the eyes for any inflammation and watering, and for opacity in the cornea.  you can clean them  with clean, damp cotton wool using a separate piece for each eye. For routine care, you can buy eye swabs specially formulated to clean the discharge often found around the eye area.

If nails are excessively long remove the tip of the claw, taking care not to cut the  blood vessel. If your dog gets plenty of roadwork, its nails should wear down naturally. If not, they will need to be trimmed with veterinary clippers about every 3 months. 

Clean your dog's teeth with canine toothpaste. It is also sensible to take your dog to the veterinarian for regular scaling. This is particularly important in the case of toy breeds, which can lose their teeth at an early age.

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