
Friday, December 14, 2012

Control of Contagious Diseases of Animals in Sri Lanka


    1. To control major economically important livestock diseases such as Haemorrhagic Septicaemia, (HS) Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Black Quarter (BQ) by regular preventive vaccination with the long term objective of eradicating these disease probably on a zonal basis and thereby improve the productivity of livestock and income of farmers. 

2.        To strengthen and improve animal health information network in order to        
            facilitate decision making on animal health related issues. 

3.        Support specially the selected farmer and his neighbor farmers to improve 
            the health Management Practices in order to increase the farm productivity.


1.        Procurement of vaccine and other inputs.

2.        Field Immunization Program.

3.        Disease investigation and Diagnostic Service.

4.        Brucellosis and salmonellosis surveillance and   control program.

5.        Declaration of ‘disease free status’.

6.        Strengthening of disease information system. 


1. Increase in vaccination coverage against major livestock diseases.
2. Reduction in occurrence of notifiable diseases.

3. Reduction in prevalence rate of brucellosis.

4. Development of an improved disease monitoring and information  system.

5. Disease incidences of focal farms are reduced.

6. Production parameters are optimized and Productivity of farm improved.

7. Disease investigation and surveillance net work established and strengthen

8. Disease investigation and surveillance systems are improved.

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