
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Mean Kitty Song

I got this little kitty about 2 months back
he was the nicest little kitty, now a pain in my crack
This little kitty is a ninja, always stalking my feet
This little kitty is a warrior you know what I mean
he's an evil little kitty look what he did to my hand
tries to get in trouble in any way that he can
I could give this cat a toy, but he'd rather have the wrapper
and I will always give him water, but he still drinks from the crapper
You could lock him in a closet and he just won't care
kitty chews on my shoes and he licks my hair
always scratching on my favorite chair and jumping on the couch
playing in the window sills and tearing through the house
He's so full of energy and easily amused
kitty will attack anything that moves
Causing trouble, starting battles just so he could be a little part of
he's a meanest little kitty so we named him sparta
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite
Where'd you go
are you stalking me?
are you under the couch, quite possibly
ears laid back so you don't get caught
ready to pounce my leg with everything that you got
I know you're probably watching me from across the room
concentrating contemplating on attacking me soon
You're not invisible kitty, I'm gonna find you first
Come out come out before I make things worse
I've seen where you hide and I know where you've been
Hey kitty why don't you give in
Even if you try to sneak up on me, I'm prepared
Cause I've got my safety gear on and I'm not scared
I think I hear a kitty cat under the bed
I know your making noises just to mess with my head
You can stalk me all you want, but I'm not your pray
cause you always seem to find me first, but not today
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
Come on out, I'm gonna get you now
I've got 'em cornered
and now he's mine
He's not gonna get away this time
I'll snatch him up fast before he can blink and then...
Aw man! He's asleep in the sink
What is with this cat? I'm confused
He's got a bed, but it's never been used
In every waking moment, kitty's out for the fight
then [fart] next minute kitty's out like a light
How could I let this creature live inside of my home
I gotta keep an eye on him when I'm on the phone
I'm a little afraid to leave this cat all alone
this kitty may destroy everything that I own
Look at him now, I kinda feel bad
He's the best little cat that I've had
and the one big thing I forgot to mention, was that
He wasn't fighting, he just wanted attention
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
little bitty kitty wanna bite bite bite
Hey little sparta what is with all the fight
showing love, that's all this kitty does

Imports of chicken meat and eggs during 2001- 2010 in Sri Lanka

Meat  (MT)
Eggs (million)
Source: Livestock statistics of Dept. of Animal Production and Health, 2011

Historical Background of Poultry Industry

It is believed that, domestication of poultry has been started in Asian countries. There is evidence that, the fowl was first, domesticated in South Asia probably well over 8000 years ago. The earliest record of poultry dates back to about 3200 BC in India. Chicken has been reared in Egypt since 1400 BC. The red jungle fowl, an Asian breed considered by many as the ancestors of modern poultry breeds. Recently, some evidence was found indicating that, the first domestication of the fowl took place much earlier, and not in South Asia but in China.

From being a back-yard type of an industry, poultry industry of Sri Lanka has developed into a commercial industry over the past three decades. In early 1950, the government of Sri Lanka launched a program to upgrade local   indigenous poultry population in the country. Since then, this sector has shown a phenomenal growth, most prominently in the broiler sector, mainly due to active participation of the private sector.
During 1950's, a part of the eggs and chicken meat were produced in Sri Lanka from local indigenous breeds and rests were imported from India. Production systems were backyard scavenging with no additional expenditure on feed. In 1960’s parent, birds were imported and until late 1970’ to early
1980’s, pure breeds such as White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red were distributed to farmers for egg production by the state -owned organization, the Central Poultry Research Institute, Karandagolla. The expansion of the industry commenced from 1970’s due to active participation of the state and the private sector.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Endometritis in Cows & Buffaloes

Endometritis is a bacterial infection of the uterine mucus membranes usually caused by Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium and E.coli.

  • Retained foetal membranes or Abortions
  • Dystocia - difficult parturition
  • Prolapse of the uterus
  • Injuries to the uterus during calving - Caesarian section or assisted calving
  • Induced parturition
  • Still Birth
  • Twins
  • Unhygienic calving environment
  • Ovarian inactivity
  • Parity
  • Concurrent diseases and poor nutrition
  • Sometimes seen in heifers after mating with an infected bull
  • Common in buffaloes due to their habit of wallowing in dirty waters
  • Reduced immunity resulting in poor resistance for infections


Endometritis can be classified into three stages depending on the severity and duration of the problem.
  • Mild form
  • Sub acute form
  • Chronic form

Mild form
  • First stage, usually seen in young animals
  • Long oestrus periods
  • Oestrus discharges are turbid and cloudy
  • Repeat breeding
  • Uterus is slightly enlarged

Sub acute form

Vaginal discharge during oestrus is mucopurulent and it may be present after the end of heat period.

Chronic form
  • The uterus will be thickened, hard and tightly curved.
  • Discharges are usually purulent.

  • Calving History
  • Vaginal and rectal examination - Rectal palpation should reveal a poorly-involuted, oedematous uterus
  • Presence of cloudy discharges from the vagina which may be sticking on to the base of the tail and vulval lips
  • Bacterial culture reveals the type of bacteria causing the problem.

  • Chronic form of endometritis is difficult to treat. However antibiotics can be infused into the uterus 4-5 days followed by a sexual rest till the discharges are completely clear.
  • 2% Lugols iodine 10- 15 ml can also be infused into the uterus. It controls the infection and also acts as a counter irritant. After giving this antibiotic treatment can be given. Ideal antibiotics are cephalosporins and oxytetracycline
  • The discharges can be sent for bacterial culture and sensitivity test for using an appropriate antibiotic. If the discharges are clear and the uterus is also normal artificial insemination can be done.
  • Prostaglandins: PGF2a or analogues can be administered parenterally. They should be considered the treatment of choice if a corpus luteum is present. The administration of prostaglandins removes the inhibitory effect of progesterone on the uterus and induces oestrus, which both of these actions improve the uterine defense mechanisms.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Veterinary Surgeons demonstrate at Lipton Circus

A demonstration was held in Colombo to protest against not amending the constitution of Sri Lanka Animal Products Health Services for 7 years.

The State Veterinary Surgeons Associations, the Veterinary Research Officers Association and the Livestock Officers Association participated in the protest.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Bark Street - A Doggy Boarding Facility

Many dog owners treat their pooches like their very own children, pampering them in every way imaginable. This kind of affection could either have good or bad effects on the pets. That is where Manisha Wimalasekara comes into the picture - an avid dog lover since her younger days; she has been showing and training dogs for quite some time.

Embracing the policy that pets have to be loved yet kept in their place, Manisha practises this balance with all the dogs she handles. Realizing there was a niche in the market for a quality dog training, grooming and boarding service, she along with her husband who is also a dog lover, set up Bark Street a doggy boarding facility at their residence in Hendala, Wattala.

Situated on a 1 acre land, overlooking the beach, Manisha runs Bark Street, not the average boarding facility you see in movies; it is literally a hotel for dogs, with their very own swimming pool, a large play area and dedicated staff who ensure your pets are well looked after during your absence.

And if you are still worried about your pet, Manisha says “We allow owners to check their pets' progress through Skype.” This is done at specific times during the day when Manisha gives an allotted time for owners to come online and see what their dogs are up to.

Manisha added that due to the extensive heat the country is experiencing, she has ordered a set of fans for each of the kennels to ensure that each dog does not feel the effects of the heat.

The charges for boarding services are Rs. 500/= per day for puppies and small breeds and Rs.700/= per day for large dogs. This is inclusive of meals and walks. An additional sum is charged for pet owners who would like to have their dogs run on the beach which comes with a sea bath as well.

Dinesh, the boarding’s manager is an expert trainer who has complete control over every single dog that he handles. He has many years of experience in the field and together with Manisha, the duo demonstrated a couple of techniques on “Red” a massive Doberman owned by Manisha.
Manisha adds that usually dog trainers visit owners and teach dogs the basic commands and that is the end of it, which results in your dog not actually listening to you. "Even the owner needs to be trained and that is what we do here; in addition to training the dog we also teach owners how to control them"
Manisha says they also provide prospective pet owners advice when getting a puppy for the first time, “We believe in fitting the right dog with the right owner.”

By Reihan Stephen

Your Dog's Age in Human years

There are many tables for converting between dog years (age) and human years (age). Many of them use a very simple calculation (e.g. 1 dog year equals 7 human years). But this is not very accurate.
The actual age of a dog in human terms depends on breed and size. This is because larger breeds live shorter lives and mature more quickly. Larger and giant breeds are generally considered ‘seniors’ by the time they reach five, whilst medium sized breeds take a little longer, at approximately seven. Small and toy breeds live longer, not reaching seniority until about ten years old.
You can use these comparison charts to calculate your dog’s approximate age in human years.

Some people calculate a dog's age in human years by multiplying their actual age in years by seven, but it gives only a rough estimate of your dog's age because a dog ages more rapidly in his early years than his later ones. Most breeds age at the same pace for the first five years of life, but smaller ones age more slowly than larger ones after this age and can live almost twice as long in some cases.

Dog Age
Human Age
2 months
14 months
6 months
5 years
8 months
9 years
12 months
14 years
2 years
20 years
3 years
24 years
4 years
30 years
5 years
40 years
6 years
42 years
7 years
49 years
8 years
56 years
9 years
63 years
10 years
65 years
11 years
71 years
12 years
75 years
13 years
80 ears
14 years
84 years
15 years
87 years
16 years
89 years